This part of my blog is all about the things I collect or the things I make myself. I love so many things, I paint and draw and want to learn oils and pastels. I knit and crochet but want to learn tatting. I embroider and can turn my hand to most things given a chance. So much still to learn and do. I live in hope of some day reading all my books, learning all I want to learn and now I am learning to blog. You will often find my original poems, poor as they are I offer them here. I also appreciate other people art and will feature things I find that I have enjoyed. That includes pictures of fairies and fantasy or maybe just anything beautiful.
I try to use my own photo's as much as possible, sometimes I borrow from the web. If I inadvertently use your picture without giving credit, please do let me know and I will either credit or remove it, I hope you will do the same with mine.
If you wish to leave comments on my blog you can do that by joining google if you do not have a blog yourself, please comment if you can I appreciate that.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

wash and brush up...........

Tristen's room was terrible, he had written on the walls and any surface he could manage it seemed. We could not keep up with it. The worst thing was when he got into the ice cream, it had to be chocolate naturally. He managed to sneak 3 ice cream sandwiches. The wrappers went under the bed and I think maybe some of the ice cream too. Anyway it would not come out of the carpet. I will have to try again another day. Meanwhile Gerry painted the room. We had some left over paint that he mixed with white. Didn't have enough. So he had to go get some more.
I won't post a before picture because I have some out on the blog somewhere. This is how it looks now.
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Tristen wanted his bed moved under the window again. We will bring up a headboard tomorrow. We made enough mess today. So we swapped things around after it was finished. I want the headboard to protect the glass. Or I should say, protect Tristen from the glass. I don't trust him not to jump on the bed.
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We put back the pictures and stuff and found a place for everything else. We need to downsize those dang stuffies again. I have a bag of them in the closet in the other room. It's so hard to throw them away or give them away. Who wants to hurt their feelings right.
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A picture of him and his mum.
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It's nothing fancy but for a 6 year old who won't take care of his things just yet, it's the best we can do.
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I spruced things up with a change of blankets, we had too many at first so I put some away for later. I am glad I did.
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We will see how long his room looks like this. He knows if he does well, on his birthday he can get a TV for his room. We have had so many behaviour problems with this ADHD. Sometimes it gets very frustrating. He broke the last tv by jamming a couple of cds in the tray and broke it. So we hold that out as a carrot on a stick in the hope of tempting him. We try to use rewards, bribes if you like to get him on track sometimes.
For now he likes his new look. We shall see how long it lasts.


  1. Well done, Mom. Looks like a 6 year olds room should look! Have a wonderful day!

  2. It looks like a great room for a six year old!

  3. He is a lucky boy to have you. And the room looks wonderful. he is lucky to have you and dad who love him and do the best you can by him.


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