Anyway..........we have not been to the Thrift shops in awhile so that's what we did.
Edna didn't find much at all but naturally I did. Sigh.................

I paid 12 dollars for that so not very Thrifty. I have been in need of new cushions but didn't want to pay the price. Well at one of the shops I found some cushions that were exactly what I wanted. In fact matched some I already have. The dogs get on them, did I say dogs gasp? I meant Poodles. They scratch them and pull threads, plus some people use them to put their plates on with inevitable spills. So cushions get washed and lose some of their new looks so need replacing frequently. I refuse to pay the price unless on sale, so this saved me the chore of looking for some.

I loved the red one and the other one is like two I already have. This one fits right in.

I put all my English cushions out on the front porch and that will be my theme for this year. It's so cold out there right now. Brrrrr.

I have not done yet but right now it's too cold. Maybe when the sun gets around that way I may go out later and sweep and organize a bit. At least I got the Christmas trees down.
So one other thing I found on my Chicken/Rooster theme, was a nice little trivet for the Kitchen.

I have no idea how or why I got on this chicken kick, but it seems I have quite a collection now. I think maybe because they are so colourful.
They have found their way into the living room now too with that cushion. So I suppose it was inevitable that this little chickie found a place on the coffee table where I set her down. As I have no other place right now she can stay with the Rooster as she seems at home there.

The last thing I found was a picture frame to put one of my cards in. I need a few frames but even in the Thrift shops they were too much money. This one was only one dollar so it came home with me.

I doubt it will be any good for what I have in mind but I am sure it will be useful at some point for something.
I think this was a very good days thrifting seeing as I found stuff I was actually going to buy and the cushions were new and unused. Cant do better than that. Oh the cushions other than the Rooster were just 6.99 and 4.99 so not bad. Maybe I could have found cheaper in the store but hey, saved myself a trip if nothing else and I doubt I could have beat that price by much.
All for now. Happy thrifting.