I collected fairies one summer, little plant pot things that rusted and the paint peeled. I used nail polish and added glitter and fixed a few of those almost good as new.

There were several of those, some with wind chimes on them, some plant stakes and the ones like that one that hangs on a wall. They all needed a touch of paint and glitter to last another year.
I made a garden angel several years ago. She had wings at one time but those somehow fell off and got lost. They may show up some day. Meanwhile I am giving her a coat of paint and deciding if I want to give her wings again. She had two wooden spoons as arms. I will find two more and she can have arms again.

I had an idea of what I wanted to do for her. There is an old chair outside that was used to hold up plants, like a frame. So I had Gerry make a seat for it and put on a back, then I will sit her on the chair once its painted and let her hold a plant with her wooden spoon arms. Thats what I want to get done tomorrow.
Here is Bodi watching her dad fix the chair.

I need to paint the new wood on the chair I suppose and then I can attach her to the back of it.
At least with all the rain I have had stuff to do inside. I have my poor dining table full again. Two boxes of drift wood and now some boxes of stained glass crap. Several years ago now I made a bunch of stained glass wind chimes. Bit by bit they fell apart as I left them out all winter. I need to use stuff up so may as well get working on that again. As I said, I cant buy anything so will make something instead. Oh the ideas I have. I have to use up glass that I have. I can replace broken window panes in the "shed" (garage) it would be pretty. I have all the things I need to do it all.

These are the broken pieces

This is one of the originals. I will put that back together and maybe improve on it.

Maybe one day I will get my dining table cleaned off. Probably just in time to get the sewing machine out?.