One of the easiest and best looking quilt patterns is the log cabin.
I took my first quilting class because a couple of friends encouraged me. They said it was easy, a nine patch quilt. OK I thought that would be really easy, I mean to say I have always sewn. So nine patches? So I signed up and went to the class. I saw the nine patch quilt displayed on the wall and about screamed. Nine patches made up one tiny square of the enormous quilt. I had to choose fabric to make this thing as well. It turned out to be a lot of fun, especially I found that choosing the fabrics was the best part. I was hooked. I cant say I have made a whole lot of quilts but I sure got a LOT of fabric. My stash. Books? Oh yes, I have books. Finished projects? Not so much.
My three quilting friends, Barb, Edna and Nancy took several classes with be before we decided we could do just as well on our own. Barb in fact bought a long arm quilting machine and started a business. That was great. She experimented on our quilts and has become a real proffessional, she found she has the talent and now the experience to do a great job. Nancy and Edna still do a lot of quiting. My life has taken a differnt turn but we still all go out looking for fabric and going on "shop hops"
I have done my share of quilts though. I made one for my sons bed and his spare room bed, my daughter and granddaughters. I have several around the house. I slowed down when I began to babysit. That is a whole nother story.
This one is sort of cheating because I used a panel. The backing is great and my friend Barb did a nice job of machine quilting for me.
This one is one of my early quilts, I took a class to learn it. I thought it would be way more difficult than it was. It is now my poodles favourite napping quilt. It has been washed so many times its faded and soft. This one I quilted myself in straight lines, it was before Barb got her long arm quilting machine.
This one is done with just two fabrics. I tied this one and its one of my favourites.
Some I did for Laura's kids....flower fairies.
and a close up of the fairy quilt.
This is the only miniature quilt I have done, its a very simple one but I loved the colours and the tiny buttons
Our Eons group worked on doing a Quilt block and I put it all together. It was a project to get lap tops to disabled veterans so they could be in touch with their families. It turned out quite well.